Qualche giorno fa, il Team Taig, ha rilasciato una nuova versione del tool che permette lo sblocco di tutti i dispositivi che hanno installato iOS 8.3, in questo articolo vi verranno riportati i tweak al momento compatibili.
Qualche giorno fa il Team Taig, ha rilasciato e poi aggiornato una nuova versione del suo tool per eseguire il Jailbreak di iOS 8.4 per tutti i dispositivi.
In questo articolo vi riporteremo tutta la lista completa dei tweak al momento compatibili con iOS 8.x.
Se volete sapere di più e avere una lista ancora aggiornata, potete anche guardare QUI’, se avete testato dei tweak che sono funzionanti e non compaiono nella lista lo potete dire attraverso i commenti in modo tale da aiutare tutta la comunità, noi aggiorneremo la lista giorno per giorno.
Tornate ogni tanto a rivedere gli aggiornamenti!
Lista completa dei Tweak Testati e funzionanti su iOS 8.4 giorno 12.07.2015 ore 04.30 (se volete sapere la lista dei tweak giorno per giorno invece vi basterà guardare QUI’)
- A Best VoIP APP – Tinkle
- AboutMore Vers. 1.1
- AboutUDID Vers. 1.1
- AcamarUI Vers. 1.7-15
- Acapella Vers. 1.1-4
- ActiSearch Vers. 2.0
- Activate Command Vers. 1.3.0-1
- Activator 1.9.3 ARTICOLO
- Activity Pro Vers. 1.1-4
- Actual Battery Vers. 2.0-4
- AdaptiveCC Vers. 0.0.1-11
- AdBlocker 2 (iOS 8) Vers. 1.01
- Aduitor 1.2
- AdvancedSettings8 Vers. 1.0.1
- Aeternum
- Aeuria LS Vers. 1.1.1
- AFVideo Vers. 1.0-1
- AirBlue Sharing 2.0.8 ARTICOLO
- AirPlay Enabler Vers. 1.1
- akAuto3G Vers. 2.2.1-1
- AKMessages Vers. 0.1.6-1
- AlarmVolume Vers. 1.1
- AlbumArtCenter 3.1.2-12
- AlbumShot Vers. 0.0.1-1
- AlipayBioEnabler Vers. 0.0.3-1
- Allarm Vers. 1.0
- AllBetas Vers. 0.0.1-1
- AllBoardPass Vers. 0.0.1-3
- AllBoxed Vers. 1.1.0
- AllDrop Vers. 1.6.1
- Almpoum Vers. 1.3-26
- Aloud Vers. 1.2.2
- AlphaBadge
- AlternateControls Vers. 1.0.0-1
- Alternatum Vers. 1.0
- AlwaysBackCamera 1.0.3
- AlwaysFirstSwipe Vers. 0.0.2-6
- AlwaysGreen 1.1.1
- Anchor Vers. 1.1.2-1 ARTICOLO
- Andrios Vers. 0.0.6
- AndroidLock XT
- AnyDrop 3 (iOS 8 & 7) Vers. 1.1-12
- AnimateAll Vers. 1.9.1-1
- AnimateAll HD Vers. 1.9.1-1
- Animate iOS 8 Vers. 1.0.1-1
- Aoraki Vers. 1.2-4
- Apex 2 (iOS 7 & 8) 1.0.15
- AppBox 8 (iOS 8) Vers. 1.0.5-68
- AppButton Vers. 1.0.1
- AppColorClose Vers. 1.0-2
- AppETA Vers. 3.0
- Appellancy Vers. 1.1-20
- AppelLocker Vers. 1.1-4
- AppHeads Vers. 1.0.7
- App Language Switcher Vers. 1.1-3
- AppList Vers. 1.5.9 ARTICOLO
- Applocker Vers. 2.3.7
- Applocker Activator Toggle Vers. 1.0.2
- AppNoti Vers. 0.0.2-1
- Appro Vers. 2.1.8-2
- AppRun Vers. 1.0.1-588
- AppRunByActivator Vers. 0.0.1-14
- AppSwitchCurrent 1.2-4
- AppSync Unified
- AppSync (5.x -> 8.x) Vers. 7.9-1 ARTICOLO
- Apptray 1.9
- AquaBoard (iOS 8) Vers. 2.1-13
- Archer Vers. 1.1.3
- Area Code Display Pro Vers. 1.3.3-8
- Aria Vers. 1.1.13-1
- Arise Vers. 1.3.8
- ArithmeticAlarm8 Vers. 0.0.1-3
- Artless Vers. 1.0
- AskToSend Vers. 1.2-14
- Aslock Vers. 1.1-1
- Asos Vers. 1.0.0-1-104
- Aspectus Vers. 1.2
- Assistant 6 and 6 plus Vers. 1.0
- Assistant+ Vers. 1.1.0-1
- Assistive+ Vers. 1.3-2
- Asuo Vers. 1.0.4-1
- ASUpdateHider Vers. 1.3-2
- atom (iOS 8) Vers. 1.2.1
- Attachments+ for Mail Vers. 2.0-4
- AudioOut Vers. 1.4.0-7
- augmented Vers. 1.5.0-2
- Australian BOM Weather+ Vers. 5.0.3-1
- AutoAirPlay Vers. 1.1-1
- AutoAnswer8 (iOS 8) Vers. 0.1-4
- Auto AppTranslate Vers. 2.0.1
- AutoDora Vers. 0.9.0-25
- AutoFreeRam Vers. 2.0
- Auxo Legacy Edition Vers. 1.0.2
- Automa Vers. 1.0.3-1
- AutoMuter Vers. 1.1.0-173
- AutoRotateVideos Vers. 1.0-4
- Auto Tap 0.3-1
- AutoTouch for iOS 8 Vers. 3.1.2-1
- AutoUnlock To App 8 Vers. 1.2-1
- Auto VPN Vers. 0.3
- Auki
- Auxo 3 (iOS 8) Vers. 1.1 ARTICOLO
- AvatarSync Vers. 0.9.7
- Avix 1.0
- Awake Speech Vers. 1.4.0-13
- Axial Vers. 1.0.2-1
- BackupIt Vers. 3.5
- Badge Customizer Vers. 1.4.3-2
- Badgomizer Vers. 1.2.1-6
- BannerBuddy Vers. 0.0.1-8
- Barrel Vers.
- Bars
- BatteryBar Vers. 1.0
- BatteryLife Vers. 1.6.5 ARTICOLO
- Battery Passcode Vers. 1.3
- Battery Percentage for iPod Vers. 1.1
- Battery Percentage Only Vers. 1.0-1
- BatteryStatusBar
- BattSaver for iOS 7 & 8 2.0.17
- BayBrowser 2
- BBMAddi+ Vers. 15.1-3
- Beacon 2 (iOS 8) 0.9.0-1
- Beep Beep Vers. 3.0-1
- BerryC8 Vers. 1.0.2-1
- BetterDelete Vers. 1.0
- Better HUD Vers. 1.2-7
- BetterNF Vers. 1.1.1-1
- BetterPowerDown Vers. 1.1.0-6
- BetterRotate iPad Vers. 1.0-1
- BetterWiFi7 (iOS 7 & iOS 8) Vers. 1.0.2
- Bigify Vers. 1.6.3
- Bigify+ (iOS 8 & 7.1) Vers. 4.1-6
- BimmerNotifierPro Vers. 0.0.1-4
- BioBoot Vers. 1.0-5
- BioLockdown 1.2.12
- BioProtect 1.7-279 ARTICOLO
- BlankKeys Vers. 1.0
- Blender Vers. 1.2
- Bloard Vers. 0.1.1
- Blocked 1.0.1-16
- BluePill Vers. 1.2-93
- Bluetooth Companion Vers. 1.7.8
- BlurredMusicApp
- BlurryBadges Vers. 1.0-6
- BlurryLaunch 1.5
- BMWNotifier Vers. 0.0.1-36
- BootUp Vers. 0.1-60
- BOptions+ Vers. 1.0-7
- BounceNotify8 Vers. 2.0.1-1
- Boxy 2 Vers. 2.0-1
- Brevity 2 (iOS 8) Vers. 2.2-2
- Bridge 1.2.5
- Brightness Activator Pro 2 (iOS8) 1.0-3
- BrighterLSMedia Vers. 1.0
- BrowseInsideApps-Lite iOS8 Vers. 1.1-1
- Browser Changer Vers. 1.16-5
- BTC Mouse & Trackpad Vers. 1.8-1
- BTstack
- BurstGIF Vers. 0.9.9-1
- Burst mode 1.5-1
- BytaFont 2 Vers. 2.5.6
- BytaFont Tweak Mode Vers. 1.0.0-14
- Calendar for Lockscreen Vers. 1.5.5-1
- Callback for Messages 1.1
- CallBar (iOS 7 & 8) 0.9-22
- CallConnect Vers. 0.0.1-11
- Call Enhancer Vers. 1.4-1
- Caller Id Best Vers. 2.2-1
- CallerID Greece 1.0-61
- CallLockScreen Vers. 1.5-6
- CallLogPro 8 Vers. 8.0
- Call on GV 8 (iOS 8) 3.3-2
- CallShare Vers. 1.1
- CallShortcut Vers. 2.5.0-3
- Calypso Vers. 0.5.0-3
- CamBlur7 Vers. 1.4-5 ARTICOLO
- CamElapsed+ Vers. 1.0-3
- Camerability 1.0.1
- CameraModes 1.1-1
- CameraTweak 3 (iOS 8) Vers. 1.3
- Camrix Vers. 1.0.4
- CamRotate 1.3-1
- CamVolZoom Vers. 1.2-8
- Canopy for iOS 8 Vers. 4.0-2
- Carpe Diem Vers. 1.0-1
- CarrierNM Vers. 1.0-2
- CCBringUpSwitcher Vers. 1.0.1-1
- CCButtonBorder CCBB Vers. 2.1
- CC Deseparator Vers. 2.0-5
- CCDock Vers. 0.0.1-147
- CCfix 8 Vers. 1.0-3
- CCFlashLightLevel Vers. 1.1-3
- CCHide
- CClean Vers. 1.0-1
- CCLiveBrightness Vers. 0.0.1-40
- CCLoader Vers. 1.2.10
- CCNowPlaying Vers. 0.8.2-1
- CCQuick Pro for iOS8 1.0-6
- CCScale Vers. 1.1-3
- CCSettings for iOS 8 Vers. 0.0.6-113 ARTICOLO
- CCSwipe Vers. 1.1.3-1
- Centered Vers. 1.1
- Centrum Vers. 1.1.1-1
- Cercube 1.3.0
- CertManager
- ChangeAwake Vers. 1.1
- Change 4G to LTE Vers. 1.0-1
- ChargingHelper for iOS 8 Vers. 0.6.4-1
- ChargingHelperPlus for iOS 8 Vers. 0.7.2-1
- CheeseCake Vers. 1.2-1
- ChineseSkill Hack Vers. 1.0.0
- ChooseBoard Vers. 1.1.1-1
- ChooseBoard Lite Vers. 1.0.0-19
- Chrome Downloader+ Vers. 4.0-2
- CircleIcons Vers. 1.1.3-15
- Circulate Vers. 0.0.1-316
- Cistem Aperio Vers. 1.0-10
- Clap Vers. 0.3-3 ARTICOLO
- ClassicDock Vers. 1.1-8
- ClassicFolders Vers. 1.1.0-3
- ClassicLabels for iOS 7.1 & 8 Vers. 2.0-1
- ClassicLockScreen Vers. 2.8-3
- ClassicSwitcher Vers. 2.0-1
- CleanLock 1.1.2
- CleanUp Vers. 0.1.0-1
- ClearLockNotifications Vers. 2.4-1
- ClearNotificationButtons Vers. 1.2
- CleverPin Vers. 1.9-1
- Clex2 (iOS 8) Vers. 1.0
- Clone Alarm Vers. 1.1.4-1
- Cloaky Vers. 2.2.1-1
- ClockFirst Vers. 1.1
- CloseAll Vers. 1.1.1-1
- CloudToButt Vers. 1.0-1
- Cobalia Vers. 1.0-1
- ColorBadges Vers. 1.0.9-1
- ColorBanners 1.0.2-1
- Color Convos 2.2.6-1
- ColorFill Vers. 0.0.1-13
- ColorFlow Vers. 1.3.7-1
- ColorFont Vers. 1.1-2
- ColorFont2 8.0-2
- ColorfulKBD Pro Vers. 2.0.0-1
- Colorize Vers. 1.2-5
- ColorReachability Vers. 1.0.0-5
- ColorY0urBoard8 (iOS 8 & 7) Vers. 2.0
- ColorY0urBoard8Free Vers. 1.0
- Columba 0.16-1
- Combination Lock Vers. 1.0-2
- Confero Vers. 1.2-2
- Confero for iPad Vers. 1.0-1
- ConfirmKill Vers. 1.0-23
- Confirm2Proceed Vers. 1.6
- Contacts Photo Sync Vers. 2.0.6
- ContactSlider (iOS 7) Vers. 1.2.2-2
- ControlF 0.1-2
- Controllers For All Vers. 1.5.3-3 ARTICOLO
- Controls for Music App Vers. 1.1.0-1
- Convergance Vers. 2.0.1
- ConversationPics 1.4-1
- Copic 3.4.3
- Copic For CallBar Vers. 1.0.1
- CopyCurrentPlaying Vers. 1.0.1-1
- Cornered 1.0
- Cou Vers. 1.0-4
- Couria (iOS 8) Vers. 0.8.3
- CrazyClock Vers. 1.0
- CroppingScreen Vers. 1.0-4
- CSwitcher Vers. 2.0.0-1
- curtainChecker Vers. 1.0
- Curtains Vers. 1.3-11
- CustomClock Vers. 1.0.0-2
- CustomCover Vers. 1.5.1
- CustomLS
- CustomMessages Vers. 2.4.1
- CustomNotificationSound Vers. 1.1
- CustomSpotlightText Vers. 0.0.1-31
- CustomStatusBar Vers. 1.0-1
- CyDelete8 (iOS 7 and 8) Vers. 1.0.2-1
- Cydia Installer 1.1.18 ARTICOLO
- Cydia Substrate Vers. 0.9.5101 ARTICOLO
- Cylay Vers. 6.4
- Cylinder Vers. 1.0.3
- CyNotifier Vers. 1.0.0
- Dank Meme Vers. 0.0.1-1
- DanRese Vers. 1.2.0-3
- DarkPhotos Vers. 1.3.3-1
- DataMeter Vers. 1.2-8
- Date In StatusBar Vers. 1.0.1
- Dated Vers. 1.2-1
- DateText Vers. 1.0
- DathBanners Lite Vers. 2.1
- DathBanners Pro Vers. 1.0-2
- DathBanners 2 1.0.1
- DathMessages Vers. 2.3-2
- DathUI (iOS 8) Vers. 2.1
- Deafen Vers. 1.3
- DeDirect 1.0
- DedupeVariants Vers. 1.0.1-1
- Deepcove Vers. 1.2-9
- DefaultPlayer Vers. 1.3
- Define Activator Vers. 1.0-1
- DeLe Vers. 1.0-535
- DetailedBatteryUsage Vers. 1.1
- Diclose Vers. 0.0.1-1
- Digital Clock Icon Vers. 1.0.0
- Dim Vers. 1.3.6
- DimInCall Vers. 1.3.1 ARTICOLO
- DimMe Vers. 1.1.1
- Disable App Switcher Rotation Vers. 1.0
- Disable Camera Grabber Vers. 1.0.3
- DisableLockCamera
- Disable Frequently Visited Sites Vers.1.0.9
- disableinstantmute Vers. 0.0.1-15
- Disable iOS Swipe Back Vers. 1.0.1-2
- Disable Parallax Effect
- DisableVoiceControl 8 Vers. 0.0.1-2
- Disable WhatsApp Call Vibration 1.0-1
- Discreetify Vers. 1.1.1-1
- Discret Vers. 1.0-76
- Display Recorder Vers. 1.3-14
- DisturbMeLater Vers. 0.0.1-115
- DisturbPlease Vers. 1.2.0-1
- Dock 2.2.9-1
- DockColor Vers. 1.1-4
- Dock&Roll Vers. 0.9
- DockShift Vers. 1.6.5
- DockWare (iOS 8) Vers. 1.0.0-1
- Don’t Kill The Beat Vers. 1.0-5
- donTouch Vers. 0.1.0-5
- Doorman Vers. 1.0-131
- DotsGoDown
- DotsDotsDots Vers. 1.0-13
- Dotter Vers. 1.0.2-1
- DoubleCheck Vers. 1.0.2-1
- DoubleCut Vers. 0.3-1
- Download Enabler for ProTube 2 Vers. 1.0
- Dropped Vers. 1.1-1
- Dye Vers. 1.2-2
- Dynamics Vers. 1.1
- DynamicText Vers. 1.2-5
- EASimulateTower 2.6-13
- EasySpring2 (iOS 8) Vers. 2.0-1
- Echo 1.9
- Eclair Vers. 1.0
- Eclipse 2 (iOS 8) Vers. 2.3-2 ARTICOLO
- Edit Alarms Vers. 1.1-1
- EditPasteboard Vers. 1.1
- EffacePad 1.0
- Effects+ 1.2-6
- EKG Signals+ Vers. 1.3
- Ember Vers. 1.1-6
- Ember+ Vers. 1.0-50
- Emoji for Korean Vers. 2.0
- Envelope 1.1d
- EqualizerEverywhere Vers. 1.5.4
- EventOnStart Vers. 1.0-3
- Everest Vers. 1.1
- ExchangePolicyCleaner Vers. 1.2-3
- exKey Vers. 1.8.8-1
- exKeyboard Vers. 1.0-5
- EZRingtones Vers. 1.1-1
- Extended Networking Vers. 1.1.0
- Facebook Fonts Fix Vers. 25.0
- Facebook Internal Settings Vers. 2.0-1
- FaceBook Messenger Essentials Vers. 1.0
- Facebook ++ 1.4r-5
- FaceBOpenIN Vers. 1.0-1
- FaceDetectionDuringVideo Vers. 1.2-2
- Faces Vers. 0.0.3-13
- FaceTime Picker Vers. 1.0-1
- Faded Vers. 0.0.1-1
- FakeClockUp
- FakeLocation Vers. 1.8
- FakeMyConnectionType Vers. 1.2.9-1
- FavBox Lite Vers. 0.1.7-7
- Favorites 1.0.2
- Fairydust Vers. 0.0.1-5
- FBCopyTXT Vers. 1.0-4
- FBNoNeedMessenger Vers. 1.0-3
- FB Unlimited Chat Heads Vers. 0.0.2-5
- Feedback 1.3
- Filza File Manager
- Fix Image KB Font Vers. 1.1
- Flex 2 1.970
- Firewall iP7 Vers. 1.16
- FlagPaint 2 (iOS 7 & 8) Vers. 2.4 ARTICOLO
- Flashorama Vers. 1.5-5
- FlipBook Vers. 1.0-15
- Flick Scroll Vers. 0.9-1
- FlipControlCenter Vers. 1.0.1 ARTICOLO
- Flipswitch Vers. 1.0.5 ARTICOLO
- f.lux 0.9983 ARTICOLO
- Flurry Vers. 2.0-4
- FMFLive Vers. 1.5
- FMFNotifier Vers. 1.6-18
- FolderBlur Vers. 0.1-2
- FolderEnhancer (iOS 7/8) 2.5.0 ARTICOLO
- Folder6Plus Vers. 0.0.5-1
- FolderIcons (iOS 8) Vers. 3.1-3
- Folderix Vers. 1.2 ARTICOLO
- ForceGoodFit Vers. 1.0.3-1
- ForceReach Vers. 1.0-5
- Forecast 3.2.1-3
- FreeLoader Vers. 0.0.1-235
- Freyr Vers. 1.0
- FrontFlash 1.6-1
- Front HDR Vers. 1.3-1
- FTLSaver Vers. 1.0.2-1
- FullFolder Vers. 0.0-42-1
- Fully Masked Passwords Vers. 1.2-2
- FullNC Vers. 0.1.1-2
- FullSwitch (iOS 8) Vers. 1.0.3-1
- Fuse Vers. 1.0
- Gauss Vers. 1.2.1-1
- GDUploadAny Vers. 1.0-10
- Gestr Vers. 1.1
- GhostPrefs Vers. 1.5r-0
- GIFPaper8 (iOS 8) Vers. 1.1
- GlowBadge Vers. 1.3-6
- GlowBoard Vers. 0.1-736
- Googiri Vers. 2.5.3-1
- GPSCheat Vers. 1.0-9
- GrabberApp8 Vers. 1.0-8
- Grabby Vers. 1.3.10
- GridSwitcher Vers. 1.5-3
- GroupIndicator Vers. 0.0.1-44
- GroupMe Vers. 0.9.3-1
- GrowlNotifier Vers. 1.2.1
- GuestMode Vers. 2.0.4-2 ARTICOLO
- HackInApp Vers. 3.1
- HandsFree 2 (iOS 8) Vers. 1.0.1
- handyDialer Vers. 1.6.1
- HandyKey Vers.1.2.3
- HapticMusic Vers. 0.1-24
- Harbor Vers. 1.0.0-29
- HardwareKeyboardFix Vers. 1.1-2
- Headphone Assistant Vers. 1.4-1
- Heads Up Display Mode Vers. 1.0-1
- Helius 2 Vers. 1.0-1
- HiddenCallLog7 (iOS 7 & 8) Vers. 2.0-2
- HiddenConvos Vers. 1.2-1
- HiddenConvos Pro Vers. 1.0-1
- Hidden Pro Vers. 1.0.5-1
- HiddenWallpapers Vers. 1.0.5-1
- HideCameraGrabber Vers. 0.0.3-1
- HideCCMedia Vers. 1.0-1
- Hide DateTime Vers. 0.0.1-1
- HideFavoritesTab Vers. 1.3-1
- HideFavoritesTab Pro Vers. 1.4.2
- HideMe8 Lite Vers. 0.0.3-2
- HideMe8 (iOS 8) Vers. 1.0.2-1
- Hide Newsstand iOS 7.1.x
- HideSensitive Vers. 1.0.4-1
- hid-support Vers. 1.2-1
- Hold2Speak Vers. 1.2
- HomescreenDesigner Vers. 1.2.2-5
- HomeScreen Settings (iOS8 & 7) Vers. 2.1-1
- HotDog Vers. 3.0
- House Arrest Fix 1.0.0-6
- HoverNotifications Vers. 1.0
- HUD Customizer Vers. 1.2.0-1
- HUDDismiss Vers. 2.0
- HUDTransparent8 Vers. 0.0.3-4
- iAppLock Vers. 1.9.3
- iBatteryInfoPro2 (iOS 8) Vers. 1.0-2
- iBlacklist Vers. 8.0-2
- iBooks – Two Hands Vers. 1.0.2-1
- iBox for iOS8 1.1.1-1
- iCaughtU Vers. 2.4-17
- iCaughtU Pro (iOS 8) 8.3-1
- iCleaner – iCleaner Pro Vers. 7.4.2 ARTICOLO
- Icon Finder Vers. 1.0.2-1
- iconNotifier Vers. 0.0.5-1
- IconSash 1.4
- Icon Tool Vers. 2.0.2-1
- IDBox Vers.
- IfFound Vers. 1.0.5-5
- IfFound² (iOS 8) Vers. 1.0.1-3
- IfFound Lite Vers. 1.0.5-7
- iFile Vers. 2.2.0-1 ARTICOLO
- IGEnhancer Vers. 2.0.2
- Ignition Vers. 1.0.0-1
- iKeywi 3 (iOS 8) Vers. 3.1.0-2
- IllLookLater Vers. 1.0-1
- iLostFinder Vers. 1.4.0-7
- ImageBoard Vers. 1.1
- iMAllFile Vers. 1.0-7
- iMeasure Vers. 1.5
- iMessageSpamReporter Vers. 1.3-1
- I’m Listening Vers. 1.4-1
- IMN for iOS 8 0.29-1
- Impulse Vers. 1.1
- Inbox Count Vers. 1.0.3-1
- IneffectivePower Vers. 1.2.4-1 ARTICOLO
- Infinite Tweet 2 2.3-1
- InfinityTask Vers. 1.7.2-1
- InfoStats Vers. 1.1.4
- InstaAlwaysSound Vers. 1.1
- InstaCopyTXT Vers. 1.0-2
- Instagram No Bar Vers. 1.0
- Instagram ++ 1.5r-3
- InstaEnhancer Vers. 2.0
- InstaHidder Vers. 1.2
- InstaLauncher Vers. 1.3-1 ARTICOLO
- InstaRealDate 2.3-1
- InstallReset Vers. 0.0.1-22
- Instanote Vers. 0.1.0-1
- InstaOpenIN Vers. 1.1-5
- InstaRealDate Vers. 2.2-1
- IntelliID Vers. 8.00.00
- IntelliScreenX 8 Vers. 8.00.13 ARTICOLO
- InterAccess 1.0.0
- InTube 2 (iOS 8) Vers. 2.2.3 ARTICOLO
- ioSpq Vers. 1.0-2
- IPA Installer Console Vers. 3.2-2
- ipEQ for iPhone Vers. 1.4.2
- iPicar 2.0.2
- iPicMyContacts Vers. 1.99
- iProtect Vers. 8.0-1
- iRelease Vers. 0.0.4-2
- I See Stars Vers. 1.3-4
- iSwitch 1.2
- iTouchSecure for iOS 8 Vers. 1.0.0-5
- iTransmission 4
- iTunes Radio Unlimited
- iUnlock 1.0.5-5
- iWidgets Vers. 1.2.3
- iWidgetTapper Vers. 1.5-10
- iYoutubeReplay Vers. 1.3-4
- Jellylock7
- Karma4Ever Vers. 1.1-1
- KDLTE4G Pro Vers. 1.6-2
- KeepAutoCapReal Vers. 8.1-4
- KeepSecret 1.0-2
- Kepo 1.0.0-7
- Keyboard Vers. 1.1
- Keyboard Accio Vers. 2.0-3
- KeyboardPlus8 Vers. 0.2.0-16
- KeyboardVibrate8 Vers. 0.0.3-1
- KeyCommands Vers. 1.0
- KeyCuts Vers. 1.1-1
- KeyShortcut Pro 1.7-2
- KikCameraSender Vers. 1.3.0-1
- Kik Messenger Essentials Vers. 7.0
- Kik8 1.0.0-6
- KillBackground8 (iOS 7 & 8) Vers. 1.0-4
- KillBoard Vers. 1.1
- KuaiDial for iOS7&8 Vers. 1.0.0a11-11
- LabelShift
- LandscapeProximity 1.0-1
- libcolorpicker Vers. 1.1
- libghost Vers. 1.1-2
- LinkOpener Vers. 1.4
- LinkStore for iOS 8 Vers. 1.2 ARTICOLO
- ListeningLauncher Vers. 1.1.0-1
- Lithium 0.9.4
- LittleBrother Vers. 1.1.0
- Live Effects Enabler Vers. 1.0-3
- LLBiPT5 Vers. 1.0-7
- LLBPano Vers. 1.2-4
- LocationFaker8 (iOS 8) 1.1-1
- LocationHolic Vers. 0.6.28
- LockBlur Vers. 1.0-8
- Lockdown Pro iOS 8+ Vers. 1.0
- LockEditor Vers. 1.0-2
- LockEmoji Vers. 1.0-1
- LockGlyph Vers. 1.1.9-10
- LockHTML 3
- LockHTML4 Vers. 1.0.3-1
- LockInfo 8 8.0.1-6 ARTICOLO
- LockKeyboard
- LockLaunchApp iOS 7/8 Vers. 2.3-1
- LockMemos Vers. 1.3
- LockMemosPlus Vers. 1.2
- LockPages Vers. 1.5.1-16
- LockPredict Vers. 1.0-2
- Lock Saver Vers. 1.0.5
- LockScreen Extender Vers. 0.6
- Lockscreen Launcher Vers. 1.7
- LockSmoother Vers. 0.1A-2
- LockSmoother+ Vers. 0.1.3-3
- LockSpeed Vers 1.2.4-1
- Lock Screen Tool
- LockStatusClock Vers. 2.0-2
- LockTate Vers. 0.1-11
- Locus Vers. 1.0-3
- LongCCB 1.0.0-1
- LongerAutoLock Vers. 1.1.1-1
- Lookback’s Awesome Mode Vers. 1.0.2-2
- LSCCRemote Vers. 1.5-6
- LSWeather Vers. 1.3.2
- Lyricalizer Vers. 1.4.2
- LyricCentre 1.0.0-1
- MagicBlink Vers. 1.0-1
- MagicColors Vers. 1.5-2-1
- MagicDots Vers. 1.4-5
- Mail Labeler Vers. 1.2.2
- Mail Labeler Lite Vers. 1.2.0
- Mail More Photos Vers. 1.9
- MarkAsRead8 Vers. 0.0.2-3
- MaskMuter Vers. 1.2
- MEFacetimeiOS8 Vers. 1.b-3
- Melodic Vers. 1.2
- meme Vers.0.0.1-1
- MessageHeads Vers. 2.0.7-1
- Messages+ Vers. 8.0.3
- MessagePopper Vers. 1.1-2
- Messages Tag Vers. 1.0.0
- Mesalation Vers. 0.3-1
- Messenger+ Vers. 1.0
- Messenger Lock Out Vers. 1.0.0
- MessengerReturn Vers. 1.0-5
- Metaphrase Vers. 1.3
- MFAnyFile Vers. 1.0-6
- MiBand Utility 0.0.1-80
- MiniPlayer Vers. 3.2-1
- MobileTSS
- Mobius
- MoonSilent Vers. 1.1
- Moove Vers. 1.0-1
- MoreDictation Vers. 1.0-4
- More Icons Vers.
- MoreInfo Vers. 1.1.0-1
- MorePredict Vers. 1.1-3
- MoreSiri Vers. 1.0-1
- MoreThanSMS Vers. 2.0
- MoreTimer 1.0-4
- MorningApp Vers. 0.0.1-46
- MouseSupport Vers. svn.r220-1
- MSGAutoSave8 (iOS 8) Vers. 1.0
- MSGSplus Vers. 2.1.1-1
- MultiDelete Vers. 1.0
- Multify Vers. 1.0.4-2
- MultiIconMover Vers. 1:1.1.2-2
- MultiIconMover+ 2.6.0 ARTICOLO
- MultipleReturnToSender 1.0-1
- MultiSend Vers. 1.1
- MusicButton Vers. 1.1.3-1
- Mussic Vers. 1.0-3
- Muswitch Vers. 1.3
- MxTube
- MyBatteryAlerts Vers. 1.1-1
- MyBias Vers. 1.0-3
- MyVibe Vers. 1.3-1
- MX2Roll Vers. 1.0
- NativeZoom Vers. 1.0-2
- Navigate From Maps 4.0.2
- NCAllOnly Vers. 3.2-1
- NCBrowser 8 (iOS 8) Vers. 0.1.3
- NC Customizer Vers. 1.3-1
- NC Date Customizer Vers. 2.0-1
- NCFold Vers. 1.0-9 ARTICOLO
- NCIfNeeded Vers. 1.1
- NCObey Vers. 1.1.0-1
- NCPad Vers. 1.0.3
- NCSingleTapClear Vers. 1.1
- Nested Folders (iOS 8) Vers. 1.1.1-1 ARTICOLO
- NeteaseMusicAdRemover Vers. 0.0.1
- NetflixSleepTimer Vers. 0.0.1-1
- Netflix++ – Trailers and More Vers. 1.2-1
- NevaGonnaBuy Vers. 0.0.1-7
- NewTabSearch Vers. 0.0.1-16
- NewTerm
- NextGenUI5 (iOS 8) Vers. 5.4.0
- NicoVideoEnhancer 8 1.0-5
- Nightmode8 (iOS 8) Vers. 2.3.6-1
- Nitrous Vers. 2.5-5
- NoAdStoreOpen
- NoAlarmVibrate Vers. 1.0
- NoAppSettings Vers. 0.0.1-5
- NoAppStoreRedirect Vers. 0.5
- NoAudioRecorder Vers. 1.0.1-1
- NoBanner 1.0.4
- NoBarScreen Vers. 1.0-4
- NoBlur Vers. 1.3-1
- No Blurry Calls Vers. 1.1-1
- No Caller ID Blocker 1.0-2
- NoCameraFlash Vers. 1.2-27
- NoCC Vers. 1.3.0-2
- NoCCMediaControls8 Vers. 0.0.1-2
- NoChineseSNS Vers. 1.3.1
- No Cloud Tabs Vers. 1.0.1-1
- NoCoverFlow7
- NoDelay64 Vers. 1.3-1
- NoGrayContrast Vers. 1.0-4
- NoIconDot 8 Vers. 0.1-1
- NoIconLabels Vers. 0.1-4
- NoKeyPop 1.1-3
- NoLockBounce
- No LockScreen Blur Vers. 1.2.1-1
- NoLockScreenDate for iOS8 Vers. 1.0.0-13
- NoLongPressKeys Vers. 1.0.0
- NoMotion Vers. 1.2
- NoNewMark8 1.0-1
- NoNotificationsText Vers. 1.0
- NoRingerHUD Vers. 1.0
- NoScrollWhenNewMessage Vers. 1.0
- noNoSimAlert 8 Vers. 0.0.1
- Non-Stop Music 8 (iOS 8) Vers. 1.75
- NoOrientationStatus Vers. 1.0.1
- NoPageDots7
- No Percent Sign
- No Passcode LockOut Vers. 2.2b-1
- NoPhotosCollections Vers. 1.0.0-1
- NoPhotoGestures Vers. 1.0-1
- NoPhotoTabBar Vers. 1.0.1-1
- NoRecentlyDeleted Vers. 0.0.1-17
- NoSlideTo Vers. 0.0.6-1
- NoSlowAnimations Vers. 4.2.1 ARTICOLO
- NoSpot iOS 7
- NoSquare Vers. 1.0-2
- NoSwitchBar Vers. 1.0
- No Switcher Icons Vers. 2.0-1
- NoSwitcherLabels Vers. 1.0.1
- NoTabBarText Vers. 0.0.1-7
- Notate Vers. 1.1-1
- NoteCreator Vers. 1.3
- NotFrequently Vers. 1.0-1
- NotiAction Vers. 1.5-1
- NotificationKeeper Vers. 1.0
- Notification Killer Vers. 1.1-1
- Notifications Tab Remover Vers. 1.0.1-5
- Notifier+ Vers. 8.0-1
- NotifyWifi 7 (iOS 7 & 8) Vers. 1.1-5 ARTICOLO
- NotiHax Vers. 0.0.1-1
- No Tint&Blur Lockscreen Vers. 2.9-1
- NotNine 0.0.1-95
- NoTouchCancelReply Vers. 1.0-17
- NoTracking+ Vers. 1.1.2-1
- NoUberJailbreak 1.2-3
- NoUninstall Vers. 0.2.1-1
- NoUpdateCircles
- NoUpdateHistory Vers. 0.0.1-2
- NoUpperCaseTable Vers. 1.0-4
- Nourania Vers. 1.0-2
- NoVibratedWakeup Vers. 0.3
- No Voice Control Vers. 1.0-1
- NoVolumeHUD Vers. 1.0
- NowNow Vers. 1.4
- No Yahoo! Vers. 2.0-1
- No Yahoo! & TWC Vers. 2.1-1
- Nuntius Vers. 0.0.1-62 ARTICOLO
- NoWakeOnRinger Vers. 1.0
- NowListening Vers. 1.9.9
- nupsidedown Vers. 1.0-5
- ODUploadAny Vers. 1.0-4
- OneHandWizard Vers. 1.0.3
- OneMoreTime 1.0-3
- OneThumb Vers. 1.6.2-1
- OneTapClear Vers. 1.0.1-1
- OnlineNotify 1.3-2
- OnlyOneNotification Vers. 0.0.2-10
- OnTapMusic Vers. 1.0-11
- OopsLock Vers. 1.1-1
- Open in Chrome Vers. 1.4
- Open in ProTube 2 Vers. 2.0.3
- OpenOther for iOS 8 Vers. 1.2-2
- OpenSSH
- OpenSSL
- OrangeMeNot Vers. 1.0-1
- Orangered (iOS 8) Vers. 1.0.1-1
- Overachiever 1.0.18-1
- Package Update Notifier 1.0.4
- Pag 1.0.1
- PagedSwitcher Vers. 1.0-1
- Pandora Essentials Vers. 5.6.3
- Pangu 8.0-8.1.x Untether Vers. 0.3 ARTICOLO ARTICOLO AGGIORNATO
- panicLock [iOS 8] Vers. 1.4-5
- panicLock Pro [iOS 8] Vers. 1.3-1
- PanoMod 1.6-6
- PaperBoard Vers. 2.0-3
- Parental Vers. 1.0.2-3
- Parental Controls For iOS Vers. 0.0.9
- Pasithea 1.1.8
- Password Events Vers. 0.0.1-7
- PassTime Vers. 1.1.1-1
- PDF Printer Vers. 1.5-2
- Pebble Profiles Vers. 1.1.3-9
- PebbleSiri Vers. 0.8-2
- Persian Keyboard iOS8 Vers. 1.0.3
- PersianSTU Vers. 1.0.0-3
- Phantom for Snapchat 4.2.5-1
- PHEnhancer Vers. 1.0-9
- PhoneCaller Vers. 1.0.3
- Photego Vers. 1.1
- PhotoAlbums+ for iPad and iOS 8 Vers. 1.0.0-3
- PhotoAlbums+ for iOS 8 and iPhone/iPod Vers. 1.0.0-3
- Photo Info Vers. 2.0.3
- Photo Organizer 8 Vers. 1.5-5
- PhotoRes Vers. 1.0-6
- PhotoSize Vers. 1.0
- Photo Timestamp Vers. 1.1.0
- PhotoTorch Vers. 1.5-11
- Photo Uploader Vers. 1.0-2
- PkgBackup Vers. 8.0.7 ARTICOLO
- PlayingLabel Vers. 1.0
- PM, really? Vers. 1.1-1
- Polus Vers. 2.0.7-1 ARTICOLO
- Popular 1.1
- Pop-textField Vers. 1.1
- Portrait Lock Vers. 0.1.2-3
- PortraitWallpaper Vers. 0.0.1-1
- PowerApp
- PowerBanners Vers. 0.0.1-3
- PowerDown Vers. 1.0.4
- Power Informer Vers. 1.0.1-2
- Powerleft Vers. 1.5.0-9
- PowerPlus Vers. 1.0
- Power Tap Vers. 1.1.1-24
- Predix Vers. 1.1
- PrefDelete Vers. 1.3.0
- PreferenceLoader
- PreferenceOrganizer 2
- PreferenceTag2 (iOS 8) Vers. 1.0-3
- PrefSafety 1.0.1-2
- Prenesi Vers. 1.0.0
- PreThree Vers. 1.0.1
- Prettier Banners Vers. 0.4-1
- Printify Vers. 2.2.3
- Priority Hub 1.4.4
- PrismBoard Vers. 1.0-1
- PrivatePlus7 Vers. 1.0-1
- PrivateSMS7 (iOS 7 & 8) Vers. 2.0-1
- Private Space Vers. 2.1-1
- PrivateViewing Vers. 1.0-1
- Profluence Vers. 1.0.1-1
- Programmable SMS (iOS 8 & 7) Vers. 1.0.3-213
- Protean Vers. 2.0-142
- ProTube Vers. 1.9.9-6
- ProTube HD Vers. 1.6.9-5-1
- ProximityCam Vers. 1.0-4
- PullBulletin Vers. 0.0.1-25
- PullToRespring Vers. 0.0.1-35
- Pushability Vers. 0.0.1-14
- Push for Gmail Vers. 1.13-3
- PwnTunes for iOS 8 Vers.
- Pyx Vers. 1.0
- Quartz 2.0-4
- QR Mode Vers. 1.4-1
- QuickActivator 1.4.1-1 ARTICOLO
- QuickCall 1.0.2-3
- QuickFolders Vers. 1.1
- QuickGestures (iOS 8) Vers. 3.0-3
- QuickMusic 2 (iOS 8) Vers. 1.0.4
- QuickPass
- QuickReplier for Viber 2 (iOS 8) Vers. 2.2.1-1
- QuickShoot Pro iOS 8 1.3-1
- QuickSiri Vers. 1.0
- QuickUnlock 1.0
- Quit App for Activator Vers. 8.1-7
- reachabilityUnlocked Vers. 1.0-5
- ReachAll Vers. 0.0.3-1
- ReachTheNyanCat Vers. 0.0.1-8
- ReachWeather Vers. 1.3.1-1
- Reaction Vers. 1.0-6
- Recents 1.0.1
- RecentFacebook Vers. 1.0.5-14
- RecordPause Vers. 1.0-4
- Record ‘n’ Torch Vers. 1.6-9
- Reminders for Lockscreen Vers. 1.5.2-1
- Remove Badges Vers. 1.5-1
- Remove Recents Vers. 1.4
- Rendarya8 (iOS 8) 1.2-1
- RePower Vers. 2.0-2
- Reroute Vers. 1.3
- ResetAllKiller 1.0.1-1
- ReStats Vers. 1.1-27
- Return Vers. 1.1
- Revelation 1.3-2
- RippleBoard Vers. 1.0
- Rise Vers. 0.0.1-14
- Rochade Vers. 0.9.6-1
- RocketBootstrap
- Roomy Vers. 1.2
- RoundDock Vers. 1.0.1-1
- Rubik Vers. 1.2-1
- SafariAlwaysPrivate8 Vers. 0.5
- Safari Downloader+ Vers. 3.9-4
- Safari Enhancer Vers. 2.1-1
- Safari Full Url Vers. 1.3
- Safari No Bar Fullscreen Vers. 1.0
- SafariNoHistory8 Vers. 0.3-22
- SafariRefresh Vers. 2.0-1
- Safari Uploader 8 Vers. 1.1-2
- SafariWallSetter Vers. 1.0-1
- Safe Alarm Vers. 1.3.5-2
- Safe Alarm PRO Vers. 1.4.3-1
- SAFUploadAny Vers. 1.0-2
- SameGrabbers Vers. 0.0.2
- SameStatus
- SaveGram Vers. 1.4.2-1
- SBDocument Vers. 2.0
- SBFLip Vers. 0.1.3-1 ARTICOLO
- SBInfoGrabber iOS 7 Vers. 1.0.8
- SBMultiFunction Vers. 1.8.1-5
- SBPowerAlert Vers. 8.1-101
- SBRotator for iOS 8 1.0-46
- Scream Vers. 1.1-6
- ScreenLocker Vers. 1.0-2
- Screenshot+ Vers. 1.0-1
- ScreenShotterAlert Vers. 1.1-13
- ScrubAround Vers. 1.1
- Searchlight Vers. 1.4-11
- Secretary Vers. 1.4.0-16
- Secret-Lock Vers. 1.1-2
- See Tweets from People Who Blocked You Vers. 2.0
- SelectiveReading 1.4-5
- SendDelay Vers. 1.2-1
- Sesame Vers. 1.1
- SetPan Vers. 0.0.1-15
- Settings8 Vers. 0.1-11
- SevenSpotlight Vers. 1.0.0-2
- ShadowBoard Vers. 1.2
- ShadowSocks Per-App Plugin Vers. 0.3.2-6
- ShareMe Vers. 1.0.1
- ShareMemos Vers. 1.0-2
- ShareMusix Vers. 1.0-6
- Share Widget for iOS 8 Vers. 1.1-3 ARTICOLO
- Shazam On Start Vers. 1.0.4-1
- ShoutDown Vers. 1.2.0-1
- ShowCase Vers. 1.3.5-1
- ShowContactPhotos8 Vers. 1.0.1-1
- Show My Touch Vers. 1.3.0-1
- ShowSongMetadata Vers. 1.1.1-1
- Shrink Vers.
- SilencePlease Vers. 1.5-1
- SilkScreen Vers. 1.0-50
- Sim&Puk Attempt Vers. 1.0.1-6
- SimpleCCMedia Vers. 1.0-1
- SimpleCenters Vers. 1.1
- SimpleNC Vers. 1.4
- SimpleOneTap for Twitter Vers. 1.1
- Simpler Photos Vers. 1.0.3-1
- SimpleSwitcher Vers. 1.0-3
- SimulateTouch Vers. 0.7-17
- SixBar
- Skrollerz Vers. 1.3.0
- Sleeper Vers. 1.0.1
- SleepFX Vers. 2.2.2
- SleepyAlarm Vers. 2.0-1
- SleekCode Vers. 1.1-5
- SleekPhone Vers. 1.4-2
- Sleipnizer for Safari 5.0.2-1
- Slices Vers. 0.2.0-1
- SlideCut Vers. 0.3.2-1
- SlideForUsage Vers. 1.0.0-1
- Slide2Kill8 Lite Vers. 0.0.3-3
- Slide2Kill8 Pro Vers. 1.1-8
- SlipDownToKill 8 Vers. 1.0-1
- Slo-mo Mod Vers. 1.4-3 ARTICOLO
- Smart 3G + LTE Vers. 2.3-1
- SmartBatteryPercentage Vers. 1.3-1
- Smart Search Vers. 1.2.3-1
- SmartTap Vers. 0.6-2
- SmoothCursor 1.0-3
- SmoothKB Vers. 2.0
- SmoothPop 1.0-5
- SMSmileys Vers. 2.0.0-1
- SMSNinja Vers. 1.6.5
- SMS on GV 8 (iOS 8) 3.3-1
- SMS Stats 2 Vers. 1.0.3-2
- Snapchat Log 4.2.0-1
- Snapi Vers. 1.0-156
- Snap Master Vers. 1.5.3-1
- SnapMoreText Vers. 2.2-1
- Snapper Vers. 1.1-1
- Snes9x EX+
- SnooScreens Vers. 1.1-1
- SnoozeHelper 1.0.0-2
- SnoozeMeNot Vers. 1.0
- Social Duplicator 2 (iOS 8) Vers. 1.0
- Social Enhancer Vers. 2.1-2
- Software Update Killer Vers. 1.0.2 ARTICOLO
- Sol Vers. 1.0-1
- SorryLowBattery Vers. 1.2.1-1
- SpaceText Vers. 1.0
- Spectral Vers. 1.0.3-1
- Speak Notification 1.6.3-1
- SpeedChanger Vers. 0.1.0
- Speed Intensifier Vers. 8.9-1
- Speedy Homey Vers. 1.3-1
- Speak Notification 1.6.2-2
- SphereView 1.1.4-2
- Spin Vers. 3.3-1
- SpinSettings Vers. 0.0.1-115
- SpotBingSearch Vers. 1.2.1-9
- SpotCleaner Vers. 1.0-1
- SpotifyDataSwitch 1.0
- Spotlight Google Vers. 1.0.1-1
- SpotlightSiri Vers. 1.0.1-1
- SpotLock
- SpringboardOrganiser Vers. 1.1-29
- springPage Vers. 1.0.7-1
- SpringResearch Vers. 1.0-1
- SpringSounds Vers. 1.0
- Springtomize 3 (iOS 7 & 8) Vers. 1.3.0-5 ARTICOLO
- Sprint Timer Vers. 2.0-1
- SPTouch Vers. 2.0.3
- SSH Connect Vers. 1.3-3
- SSHLock Vers. 1.0.2
- SSHMediaControls 0.3.0-3
- StatusBarTimer Vers. 1.1.0-7
- StatusWeather Vers. 2.0
- StatusbarWeather8 Vers. 1.1
- StatusBright Vers. 2.0
- StatusHUD 2
- StatusPeek 1.1f
- Stealth Cam Vers. 1.6.1
- SteamOldEnough Vers. 1.0.0-1
- Stepper Vers. 1.1-3
- Stepper 2 (iOS 8) Vers. 1.0-5
- StickerMe Vers. 0.9.7-2
- Sticky Vers. 1.4
- Sticky Banners Vers. 1.0-1
- Still Capture Enabler 2 Vers. 1.9-1
- StopAlarm iOS 8 1.2.2
- StopAutoDelete 0.0.1-2
- StopCCinApp Vers. 1.4.0-1
- StopPlayin8′ Vers. 1.1-1
- StopPlayin8’+ Vers. 1.0
- StoreAlert Vers. 1.1
- Stratos Vers. 1.0.1-1
- StreamPlay Vers. 1.0-72
- STUCalendar Vers. 1.0
- Substrate Safe Mode Vers. 0.9.5000 ARTICOLO
- SubtleLock (iOS 8) Vers. 1.1-1
- Support Unsupported Accessories 8 Vers. 1.0-1
- SwipeButtonColor Vers. 1.0
- SwipeSelection ARTICOLO
- SwipeSelection Pro
- SwipeExpander 1.0.6-1
- SwipeSelect Vers. 1.0
- SwipeShiftCaret Vers. 1.6-5-1
- SwishSwitcher Vers. 1.0.1
- Switchability Vers. 0.0.2-2
- SwitchAutofocus Vers. 1.0-10
- SwitcherDND Vers. 1.0
- SwitcherFX 0.2.0-1
- SwitchManager Vers. 1.0-1
- Switcher Navigation Actions Vers. 1.0
- SwitcherPaper 1.0.3-6
- syslogd to /var/log/syslog Vers. 1.1.0
- SystemWidePredictiveText Vers. 0.0.1-11
- TabLess
- Tage 1.1-2 ARTICOLO
- TaiG 8.1.3-8.x Untether 2.1.3 ARTICOLO
- Taker Vers. 1.1-1
- Tap2LockAndRespring Vers. 1.0
- TapTapFlip Vers. 1.1
- TapTapFolder 0.3.2
- TapTodaysCalendar Vers. 1.2.1
- TapToScroll for Activator Vers. 1.2
- TapToSnap Vers. 2.0
- TayRotator Vers. 1.0-1
- TetherMe for iOS8+ Vers. 1.0.2-1 ARTICOLO
- TetherStatus Vers. 2.1-1
- TGAnyFiles Vers. 1.1-21
- TimeCode Vers. 1.4.1
- TimePasscode Vers. 0.0-4
- TimePasscode Pro Vers. 0.0.4
- Tinder ++ Vers. 0.0.3-1
- Tintch Vers. 1.1
- TinyBar 0.1.3-3
- TitleHider Vers. 1.0
- TokeTime Vers. 1.0
- ToneEnabler Vers. 1.1-7
- TouchPose+ Vers. 1.1-19
- Torqueo Vers. 1.0
- Transference Vers. 1.1.0
- Transition Vers. 1.0.2-1
- TransparentCameraBar Vers. 1.5-10
- TransparentVolume8 Vers. 0.0.2-5
- TripleSpace 1.1
- True iRadio
- TryGpsOut5 Vers. 3.8
- TubeSelector 1.0-4
- TWBEnhancer Vers. 1.1-5
- TWBEnhancerLite Vers. 1.0-5
- Tweet Analytics Vers. 1.0-1
- Tweetbot+ 1.1.0
- Tweetbot Blur Remover Vers. 1.0.0-1
- Tweet2Safari Vers. 1.0
- TwitkaFly iOS 7/8+ Vers. 2.2-1
- TwitVerified Vers. 1.0
- TypeRead Vers. 1.4-8
- TypeStatus Vers. 1.3.1
- TypeTab Vers. 1.2-1
- TypingPrivacy 1.2-5
- UIRotation8 (iOS 8) 1.0-3
- UK Weather Vers. 2.3.0-1
- unBold Vers. 1.0.1-2
- UnderFace Vers. 1.0.1-20
- UnDim4What Vers. 1.0.1-1
- Uninstall Application Size Vers. 1.2-7
- UninstallNever Vers. 1.1
- unlimitedphotos Vers. 2.0.1
- Unlimited Itunes Radio Skips 8 Vers. 1.4-1
- UnlockCounter Vers. 1.3
- UnlockSound Vers. 1.1.3-5
- UnlockSound7 Vers. 1.1.2-4 ARTICOLO
- UnlockSound8 Vers. 1.0.1
- UnlockVol Vers. 1.4
- UntetheredHeySiri Vers. 1.1
- UpNext Vers. 1.3
- URL Open Menu Vers. 1.1-7
- User Agent Changer Vers. 1.1.8
- vColor
- Vertex Vers. 2.0.2-1
- VerticalVideoSyndrome Vers. 0.0.1-43
- Vestigo Vers. 0.5.7
- Vex 1.1-1
- Viber ++ Vers. 1.0r-48
- vibratekeyboards8 Vers. 1.0.3-1
- Vibrator Pro Vers. 2.0a
- VideoExplorer Vers. 2.2
- VideoPane Vers. 1.1.5
- Video Zoom Mod Vers. 1.1-3
- VineDownloader Vers. 0.0.8-7
- Vine++ Vers. 1.5r-12
- Vine12S Vers. 3.0
- VirtualHome 8 (iOS 8) 1.4-1
- VKSettings Vers. 3.0.1-1
- VlifePapers-iPhone Vers. 1.1.0
- VoiceChanger Vers. 0.4-10
- VoipRemover Vers. 1.1.3
- Volume Amplifier Vers. 1.59
- VolumeBanner Vers. 0.0.1-78
- VolumeNotifier Vers. 0.2-2
- VolumeStatus 2 Vers. 2.1-2
- VPNOnly 8 (iOS 8) Vers. 1.0
- WACallConfirm 1.1
- WA Earlier Messages Vers. 2.0-2
- WAEnhancer8 (iOS 8) 2.1-6
- WAESendAny Vers. 1.0-2
- WASendAny Lite Vers. 1.0-3
- WAFixCrash Vers. 1.0-1
- WallActivity Vers. 0.1.1-3
- Wallmart Vers. 2.0-1
- WallpaperSettings 0.4.2
- WAOpenIN Vers. 1.0-1
- WAQuickReply 1.2-8
- Wake Info 2 Vers. 1.3.0-3
- WakeTrace Vers. 1.5.1-12
- Wake With Weather Vers. 3.2.4-1
- WA ShutUp Vers. 2.1-2
- Watchboard Vers. 1.0.4-1
- watchscreen Vers. 0.9.0-25
- Watusi 2.9
- Wave 1.0.1-1
- WeeLoader Vers. 1.4-3
- WhatsApp Blacklist Vers. 1.0-8
- WhatsApp Call Chooser 0.0.1-5
- WhatsApp Disable Played Receipt Vers. 2.0
- WhatsApp for IMN Vers. 0.2-9
- WhatsApp LSeen TimeStamp Vers. 4.3-2
- WhatsApp Read Receipt Disabler Vers. 0.0.7-1
- WhatsApp Stealth Mode Vers. 0.0.1-79
- WhatsApp++ 1.6r-2
- WhatsApp Web Enabler Vers. 1.0-8 ARTICOLO
- What’s this song, Siri? Vers. 1.0.1-1
- WeatherBoard (iOS 8 & 7) 1.1.1-18
- Weather Clock 7 Vers. 1.1.5-5
- WeatherFix8 Vers. 1.0-1
- WhiSelfie Vers. 1.1
- WhitelistSwitcher Vers. 1.0-3
- WhoIsCalling Vers. 1.132
- WhoozIt 1.0
- WI Bug Fixes Vers. 1.0-4
- WidgetCenter Vers. 1.0.0
- WidgetWeather2 Vers. 2.0-1
- WiFi Booster Vers. 2.0.1
- WiFried (AWDL Disable) Vers. 0.4 (Fix per problemi di Wi-fi con iOS 8.x)
- Winterboard Vers 0.9.3918 ARTICOLO
- WiPi Vers. 1.4-1
- VKMusic Vers. 1.0-1
- World Clock 7 Vers. 1.0.7-13
- WorldShaper Vers. 1.1.2-1
- WritingALetter 2 Vers. 2.0
- Wu-Lock Vers. 1.0-1
- XModGames Vers. 1.0-9
- yBox Vers. 1.2.1-1
- You Fade Me Up Vers. 1.1-2
- YouTubed Vers. 1.7.0-1
- Youtube Essentials Vers. 1.6
- YouTube Mate Vers. 1.0
- YouTube To Protube Vers. 1.0.0-1
- Zeppelin Vers. 2.0.1-12
- ZW1T 1.0.1-1
- ZW1T Lite 1.0.0-1
- 2Drunk2Text Vers. 2.0-17
- 2TapShot Vers. 0.2
- 2048oard Vers. 0.0.2-10
- 3DSwitcher Vers. 1.1-10
- 3G Unrestrictor 5 (iOS 8 & 7) Vers. 5.8.3-2
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